Tag Archives: Swimmers

Five Swimmers to Watch at Winter Nationals

There are plenty of big names highlighting the 2015 AT&T Winter National Championship meet, which will take place in Federal Way, Washin [...]

Swimming World Magazine Announces Male and Female American Swimmers of the Year

Each year Swimming World Magazine selects the top male and female swimmers for the following regions: Africa, the Pacific Rim, Euro [...]

35 Things Swimmers Forget to Be Thankful For

By Chandler Brandes, Swimming World College Intern We all have a love-hate relationship with swimming. Although we sometimes complain about [...]

Swimming World Magazine Announces Male and Female Pacific Rim Swimmers of the Year

Each year Swimming World Magazine selects the top male and female swimmers for the following regions: Africa, the Pacific Rim, Euro [...]

Swimming World Magazine Announces Male and Female African Swimmers of the Year

Each year Swimming World Magazine selects the top male and female swimmers for the following regions: Africa, the Pacific Rim, Euro [...]
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